
Exotic Fruits Packed With Health Benefits And Taste, Rare Fruits

Exotic Fruits and Rare Fruits for Health

There are tons of different exotic fruits that we have probably never heard of.

In fact, some of them are even more nutritious and tastier than the fruit we regularly eat,

We are going to discuss the yummiest and healthiest exotic fruits out there.

Number 1

Rose apple Fruit  

As explained by the name rose apples, it is one of the most nutritious fruits in nature.

Scientific studies indicate anti-inflammatory,  anti-microbial, anti-viral, antidermatophytic,   and anticancer.

That's a lot of antis. The high fiber,   potassium, and low sodium content of the fruit make it an excellent choice for people suffering from high blood pressure and heart diseases.

Jambosine, an alkaloid present in rose apples,   is effective for the management and prevention of diabetes.

We can eat them like an apple and enjoy the sweet crispy flavor or add them to desserts, salads, and a variety of dishes.

It is surely going to enhance the taste and nutrition of our meals.

Number 2

Mangosteen Fruit

Mangosteen Known for its sweet-tart flavor, mangosteen is native to Southeast Asia regions.

The fruit is dark purple or red. The fruit mash is slightly acidic and sweet. Mangosteen has chemicals that might act as antioxidants and oppose infections.

Underneath the thick royal purple skin, the white juicy flesh somewhat tastes like a delicious blend of peach, strawberry, and pineapple. 

Xanthone, a unique compound present in mangosteen,  gives it high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and makes it beneficial for chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes.

Just one cup of canned mangosteen gives us 15 percent of folate, 9 percent of vitamin C and 14 percent of the daily recommended value of fiber.

Number 3

Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit(Pitaya)the growers like to call it “pitaya” or “pitahaya,” while the Vietnamese growers label it “dragon fruit.”

If you like eating kiwi and peas, you will love this exotic fruit.

The scaly, red/pink appearance from the outside and white flesh with tiny seeds on the inside; gives it a unique,  beautiful look. 

It is rich in iron, magnesium,   vitamin C, and fiber with just 60 calories in 100  grams and so many nutrients considered one of the most nutrient-dense fruits. 

The prebiotic fiber in dragon fruit improves our metabolism and gut health, while the high antioxidant content of the fruit lowers inflammation and insulin resistance.   

Though it may look hard, it is very simple to eat. 

We have to cut it in half and use the spoon to eat the flesh, and yes, seeds are edible and give a nice crunchy texture with the soft flesh. 

Number 4

Sapodilla Fruit

The potato-shaped fruit is known as the candy of the fruit world because of its dense, sugary taste, somewhat like caramel. 

Though it has high calories, it is also rich in fiber, vitamin C, A,  iron, and antioxidants. 

A study published in the journal Scientific Reports shows that sapodilla inhibits the growth of tumors and prevents cancer.  

It is also great for preventing constipation and keeping us regular. 

We can eat them raw, with or without peeling but try not to peel them as lose much of the beneficial fiber content.   

After removing the central seed, you can also add it in smoothies, salads, syrups, or while baking. 

Number 5

Salak Fruit

Salak is also known as snake fruit because of the scaly reptile-like skin texture. 

It is rich in beta-carotene, fiber,  iron, vitamin C, and protein. 

It is famous for its memory-enhancing properties and is full of minerals.

Bioactive compounds in this fruit increase the blood flow towards the brain, nourish the brain cells and improve our memory. 

It is also rich in antioxidants, which neutralize the free radicals reduce inflammation and damage to the cells. 

They taste great and have lots of benefits, but as said, excess of everything is bad don't consume too much Salak, or it will cause constipation.

 Number 6

Horned Melons Fruit

Horned melon, also known as Kiwano.

It looks a little strange, like a spiny, overgrown cucumber, but when we get past its look the inside is a vibrant green color with a  jelly-like appearance and is sweet and full of health benefits. 

It is rich in vitamin C, A,  iron, magnesium, calcium and is full of water,   which gives us a hydration boost and keeps us full for a long time, helping in the weight loss journey. 

As It is full of vitamin  C and water, it is perfect for our skin and supports collagen production, protection from sun damage, and anti-aging benefits. 

Though it may look inedible at first glance, we can slice it open and enjoy the sweet pulp with the spoon. 

Number 7 

Pomelo Fruit

Pomelo is the oldest citrus fruit also known as ancestral fruit and is the reason we have a variety of citrus fruits today in stores.   

It is large and tastes like a grapefruit but much sweeter. 

It is rich in vitamin C, A, folate,   fiber, antioxidants and has many health benefits. 

According to a study published in the Journal of Toxicology, Pomelo significantly reduces the triglycerides, total cholesterol,   and LDL cholesterol from the blood and reduces the risk of heart diseases. 

Number 8

Lychee Fruit

Juicy and pulpy lychee is rich in vitamin C,   potassium, and water, making it a great fruit during hot summer days. 

The sweet, aromatic taste and soft pulpy texture are enough to make it our favorite fruit, but that's not all it also has numerous health benefits. 

A study published in the journal Cancer Letters; shows that lychee extract prevents and fights against liver cancer.

It is also beneficial for preventing diabetes and boosting our heart health. 

Number 9

Rambutan Fruit 

Rambutan is an exotic fruit found initially in  Southeast Asia.

The fruit is similar to lychees with a thin, leather-like skin and multiple spiky structures sticking out of it, almost exactly like a sea urchin. 

It is rich in antioxidants that fight the free radicals and prevent any ailment that they might cause. 

These include diabetes,  cancer, and even heart disease. 

The abundance of vitamins and the delectable taste make this fruit a must-have on one's plate. 

A study published in the Virology Journal also shows the ability of rambutan to fight viral infections like dengue.   

Enjoy this sweet, tangy fruit by eating it or adding it to smoothies, yogurt, or salads. 

Number 10

Starfruit Carambola

Starfruit Carambola also known as star fruit, has a sweet, sour flavor and has been gaining lots of popularity recently because of its unusual shape and lots of health benefits. 

Just one medium-sized star fruit gives you 3 grams of fiber and 52 percent of the daily recommended value of vitamin C. 

The abundance of vitamin C and other antioxidants makes it ideal for boosting immunity, lowering inflammation, and preventing chronic diseases like diabetes and cancer. 

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