
Benefits of green tea, organic green tea

Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea will boost our brain function, burn fat, and lower our risk of cancer.

The amazing benefits that green tea has to offer us.

Green tea contains a wide range of healthy compounds that have been scientifically proven to offer some great benefits.

A few of these compounds are polyphenols, catechins, and a very powerful one is called EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate).

Now there's no doubt that every one of us can benefit from green tea.

Powerful compounds in green tea have been research-tested to treat diseases support healthy, insulin activity, and also reduce free radicals, and lastly protect our cells from molecular damage.

Green tea is inexpensive it makes up a delicious beverage that most people really enjoy and also we can consume it daily.

We can even take it in a supplement form for maximum benefit.

We'll discuss in just a moment the difference between supplementing with green tea and drinking green tea and which one has the most advantage to our overall health.

We think green tea is highly underrated and we would benefit greatly from all these amazing benefits.

The first major benefit of green tea

Green tea contains a compound called EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) and it is a great ionophore better than quercetin.

Many people are taking zinc due to its ability to kill viruses.

The problem with zinc is that it cannot enter the cell efficiently which ultimately makes it not as effective.

So many people are turning to supplementation with quercetin as a way to get zinc into the cell.

Now the fact is that we could actually use green tea as a way of transporting zinc inside the cell.

By using it ultimately as an ionophore because it actually works way better than quercetin according to the research.

So this is the first we've probably heard that how to get zinc inside the cell.

So that we can avoid viral activity in the body.

Green tea has the fat burning ability 

Green tea helps protect them from cancer, green tea actually can burn fat.

Green tea has been shown to boost metabolic rates one study showed by as much as 17.

It also will support fat burning because it contains caffeine and has been shown to support balancing out insulin levels.

This is very important if we want to burn fat and lose weight.

We can't have high blood sugar because it blocks fat burning so if we use green tea to balance out those insulin levels that's fantastic for weight loss.

Now green tea is also very beneficial to our brain the catechins within green tea have been shown to protect the neurons protecting us against neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's and dementia.

Green Tea boost our brain function

Green tea will also help improve cognitive performance and brain function.

This is something that everybody could really benefit from green tea has a powerful and unique combination of caffeine and l-theanine.

This is very cool now the caffeine component can improve our mood, our attention, our memory, and support clear thought processes.

Now the l-theanine component which is an amino acid can cross the blood-brain barrier.

It helps decrease anxiety and also the jittery feeling that we often experience.

When we consume caffeine this is why green tea is an excellent source of clean energy.

It makes our brain feel really good without all the negative side effects.

So ditch the energy drinks and turn the green tea it's a way better option for us now we'll find around 25 to 30 milligrams of caffeine per cup of green tea.

We know that l-theanine is really combined well with caffeine.

Because it helps give us that smooth energy right.

It helps us not get hit too hard with it to where we're getting all the jitteriness from it.

But it also makes sure it doesn't just drop off at the end so that you know you just have this huge energy drop right well.

l-theanine is naturally found in green tea.

Green tea contains highly beneficial compounds in it.

That is mentioned earlier has 80 percent polyphenols, 60 catechins, and 30 percent EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate).

This is equivalent to approximately 10 cups of green tea, each capsule will have around 30 to 45 milligrams of caffeine per serving.

That's really the equivalent to like a can of coke.

An energy boost well we can get the same amount of caffeine from taking a supplement with green tea.

Now coffee for instance has around 100 to 200 milligrams of caffeine in it.

So that's quite a bit of an eight-ounce cup so green tea really just has that nice perfect boost.

The next major benefit of green tea is mentioned briefly a little bit earlier.

Improving insulin sensitivity

Now, this is really cool too a Japanese study showed us that those who drank green tea had a 42 decrease chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

Now there was another study it was a review of looking at seven studies, so we had a big group of people like 300 000 people were in this particular study.

They found is an 18 reduction in risk of type 2 diabetes overall which is huge.

So green tea reduces blood sugar, improves insulin, performance and also lowers inflammation.

Which in turn will make insulin more sensitive in our body.

Green tea support against cardiovascular disease 

Green tea can actually offer us some support against this crisis. 

This crisis that we're discussing is cardiovascular disease.

Green tea drinkers had a 31 lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Green tea protects LDL from oxidation

Oxidation is very important because a lot of people get excited when their LDL is high.

The biggest concern is that this LDL becomes oxidized right which is the laying down of the cholesterol in inflamed arteries, which eventually leads to heart disease. 

Green tea drinkers had 31 lower risks of cardiovascular disease.

Fruits that we can utilize to improve our health greatly.

Now, these benefits of green tea are pretty amazing.

Green tea is antioxidant-rich

It lowers inflammation and combats oxidative stress in our body which can lead to these inflammatory conditions.

Many people are facing cancer, green tea has been shown to reduce breast cancer by 20 to 30 percent.

Cancer is a disease in which some of the body's cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body.

It's been shown to decrease prostate cancer and it's also been shown to decrease colorectal cancer by 42.

Green tea is really impressive we can drink it or we can supplement with it for maximum benefits.

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  1. Green tea is not just beneficial but also pretty tasty! this article was quite helpful for me as I look forward to healthy-diet and drinks and needed some ideas too regarding green tea. Thankyou for sharing!
